If it doesn't count for Christ, it doesn't count.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Did I mention . . .?

OK, I'm not going to write it all over again, but maybe you read my last blog, "Wanna trade regrets?"  It tells of the greatest regret of my life. And that is that even though I have spent practically my whole life in church, I did not realize that I was lost and in need of forgiveness and salvation until just a few years ago.  One of many, and perhaps the greatest, costs associated with my stubborn adherence to religious knowledge is that during all the years that I had my precious daughters at home under my roof and my daily guidance they missed out ("missed out" real-l-l-y does not begin to adequately describe the effect) on growing up in a family led by a man led by the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of that post was to put out a call to all those fathers (and mothers) who are in the same condition I was in.  There are many.  I didn't want that to be my "Father's Day Post".  It looked like it might be, though, because nothing else was coming forth to take its place.  And, today, I get this inspiration.  So maybe you can just consider this Part 2.

I ended the other blog with scripture from Isaiah about not looking back, but seeing the new work that he is doing in our lives.  Indeed, that part of my past rises up from time to time, but God mercifully does not allow me to dwell upon it. He reminds me that all that is in my past, and that my sin, all of my sin, has been forgiven and forever washed away. And He reminds me that because I now do have Jesus in my life a new work is being done in me.

So, I want to encourage you.  Maybe you have seen yourself here.  If you are a young parent, you still have time to turn your life around and live for Jesus and to raise your family in His power and love and guidance.  Don't mope around because of what you haven't done and are not doing!  You can change everything in an instant by accepting what Jesus is offering you.

For you "older folks", like me; just because you realize that maybe a generation has passed and you have yet to truly give your life over to Jesus, don't let Satan convince you that it is too late. Because it is not!

Maybe the opportunity to raise your children in the power of the Holy Spirit is gone. And realizing that, you are sad and feel defeated.  Well, quite frankly, you should be sad. (Remember, I've been there.)  You don't have to stay sad.  And you don't have to live defeated. You can still have great victories in your life.  Don't let Satan trap you by your past.  That's his plan. Let Jesus free you from your past and carry you into His plan for you. (And, yes! He still has a plan for you!)

Giving your life to Jesus will have a profound effect on those around you. Particularly your children - your adult children.  You may think you love them now, and in the best way possible, maybe you do.  But, the love of God living in and through you is a love they have yet to experience.  And, as children or adults, they need that love.  There is no greater gift or comfort that you can give them at this stage of life than the hope and assurance that you will truly always be there to love them, whether here on earth in this life or in Heaven throughout eternity.  There are a lot of very much loved people who will never, ever, be seen or heard from or remembered again.  It is a sad fact. Don't let that be a fact of your existence.

And it is not all about you!  Which is to say that it is not intended to stop with you. Jesus will use you to reach others. There is no telling how many people who indeed are facing that "sad fact" will be rescued from it because you asked Jesus into your life.  We are all here for one another.  You may be - probably are - just the inspiration someone else needs to make this very move in their life. 

Opportunities come and go.  Don't let all those missed opportunities behind you cause you to bypass all those before you. Your children will be proud of you and happy for you.  Your friends will see a new you.  Your life will never be the same, and your past will no longer rule you.  If you are married, your husband or wife gets a new you.  That alone should be very exciting to some people!  :)  And, if you are not married, or no longer married, you have a new you to offer.  With Jesus, at any age, you are positioned to be all you can be.  So be!

One more thing, Dads . . . Moms . . .,

Would you do anything for your family? . . . . . . . .Anything? . . . . . . . .Really?

Would you just consider your relationship with Jesus?  How is it?   Do you really have one?

Connected,  (I pray)

Here's your video, Dads

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